Great news for Catalonia, The Financial Times group recognises Catalonia as the best Southern European region for investment for 2018 and 2019.


From Busines in Spain, we are more tan happy to hear such great news and recognition by one of the most influent  economic press.

Catalonia has been positioned as number one, followed by Madrid, Lombardy, Istanbul and Lisbon. It is important to underline that it is the second time that Catalonia receives this recognition

The Financial Times fDi Magazine calculates this based on five criteria: economic potential, labour environment, cost effectiveness, infrastructure and business friendliness.


The division of the Financial Times “FDI Intelligence” collected information on 300 cities and 150 regions in five areas:

1.    Economic potential

2.    Labor environment

3.    Cost effectiveness

4.    Infrastructure

5.    Business friendliness. It refers to the general environment in which businesses operate with regard to the attitudes of governments and lending institutions in relation to business activity.



This recognition shows that Catalonia has the assets, potential, and determination to consolidate itself as one of the most attractive regions in Europe in terms of attracting foreign investments” said Joan Aregio, the Secretary of Enterprise and Competitiveness. “It is the second consecutive time that Catalonia receives this recognition, a very clear indicator of the confidence we generate abroad”


Such good news come in a moment were some investors might were afraid of investing in Catalonia, due to the uncertanty created by the referendum of Independence held in 2017 and the continous tensions with the Spanish goverment. This is also corroborated by data from FDI Markets. Since september 2017 up to january 2018 there were 48 FDI projects in Barcelona, compared to the 41 from the same period in 2016.