Spanish companies landed in the región around the 90’s,  increasing exports, buying other companies, installing their headquarters in the continent and with capital increases. A situation that could have occurred due to a favorable economic climate, a shared culture, an increase in stock and the high degree of maturity of Spanish companies that went to Latin America.

The main Latinamerican countries that receive FDI from Spain are México, Brasil, Venezula, Argentina and Uruguay.

Nowadays, these commercial relationships continue to grow. In fact, according to a report by the IE Business School, 75% of Spanish companies plan to invest this year in Latin America due to the imminent signing of the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, which will be the first agreement of the EU with another economic zone and not with just one country.

Latin America is a strategic partner for Spain due to evident historical, cultural and economic links. In addition to a shared cultural and linguistic identity.

With the increase in commercial relations over the years and the recognition that exists in the region, Spain has become a strategic bridge between Latin America and Europe. Between both territories add more than 500 million consumers, a large market that will be more united if the treaty between Mercosur and the EU prospers.

So as if the Mercosur-EU agreement is finally signed or if the negotiations do not reach the expected result, Spain will continue being a key player as a gate to entry into the Latam market.

Comercio España-Latam